Friday, January 18, 2008

Teen Programming Woes@yourlibrary

Yes, we tried and failed again at getting teens interested in creating their very own web e-zine with help from the library....for free!! After four months of trying to recruit teens to contribute content (poetry, art, gossip, cd reviews, movie reviews, etc) we got NADA! I learned last night, one darling teen told her Parents she was @thelibrary at our Teen e-zine meetings every Thursday from 4-6pm--however, we stopped having meetings last October....needless to say, she used our library to dupe her parents! Who knew the poor library could be part of a teen conspiracy!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Actually, that trick is time-honored. I've gotten lots of "Is my kid in the library?" phone calls.

---Stacey Harris (POR)